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Spa - Not Hot Springs

We completed our second event for Harmony House on March 23. One of our goals going into this semester was switching up our events from movie nights to something different. While we did a movie night in February, we decided to take the risk and do a spa night. We chose to do a spa night because it’s pretty easy to host and it is not too expensive. At the spa night we had DIY sugar scrub, face masks and a nail polish station.

We continued to provide childcare with the updated rules that Ivy gave the staff after the last event. We think this may have stopped some people from showing but also that was okay because last time we had a 2 week old baby in child care. It also ensured that the parents dropping their kids off at childcare went to our spa night and didn’t just run to Walmart.

At our event we had around 6-8 women (and a few older children) show up. They seemed to really enjoy the relaxing night and hands-on activity. Next month is our last event and we are planning on doing either a drum circle or another movie night. We are working on our final project and have started to organize the pictures and collaborated on ideas for that.


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